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I appreciate 1C Company giving Family Friendly Gaming a digital download code for Realpolitiks on the Steam platform. This Personal Computer (PC) video game is all about being the leader of a country on our beloved planet. Realpolitiks lets players change the kind of government there is in a country. You can be a democracy, or a totalitarian, or an authoritarian. You decide.

Realpolitiks lets you implement policies. Maybe you want a strong military, or to fight unemployment. The choice is yours. I determined that certain options are not available until certain conditions apply. Is there a thorn in your side? Go to that country and have your spies demean their leader, promote a different system of government, lower the morale of the military, and more.

I know there will be some debate about Realpolitiks. This PC game determines what happens if you implement certain policies. For example if you preach then it thinks morale will drop. In my opinion the opposite will happen. On the other side of the coin Realpolitiks acknowledges that schools are being used for propaganda. Which is something we all know has been going on for decades.

There are numerous countries to choose from in Realpolitiks. There are also countries that can become trade partners. The music in Realpolitiks is nice. I liked it. I wish there was a deep tutorial in Realpolitiks. In the beginning it told me to do certain things. I had a small speed bump with that though. I could not find where those options were available to me. The more I played Realpolitiks the more I learned. I loved using that fast forward early on in the game.

It can be expensive to try and improve your country in Realpolitiks. I had to do something I despise in the real world - raise taxes. I felt horrible having to raise taxes. I wanted to find where I could cut government programs like wasteful bureaucracy. Realpolitiks is not as deep as I would like in the policies. It does do a lot of things, and give families a lot of options. Part of the fun of Realpolitiks is learning how when and where we can implement changes.


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Personal Computer
Publisher: 1C Company
Developer: Jujubee S.A.
'NR' for Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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