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The Boss Baby




The Boss Baby 


Out of all the Black Friday 2017 movies Paul bought I was most interested in The Boss Baby. If you saw the FFG Haul video then you knew this review was coming. To see what else is coming and recently reviewed please click here. The Boss Baby is an animated movie that takes 97 minutes to watch. There is some bonus content on the DVD we purchased.

The Boss Baby has some content families need to be aware of. The first issue is there is some crude humor related to babies. Like what kinds of things? There is vomit, and dirty diapers. Bare baby bottoms are shown repeatedly in The Boss Baby. There is also some cartoon violence as the seven year old and the babies battle it out over a tape. What is on that tape? That tape contains evidence that the babies can talk.

The fantasy world of The Boss Baby is very interesting. He is in management of the BabyCorp. They are concerned about puppies taking away the love from the babies. The Boss Baby also touches on how older children lose some attention from their parents when a new baby comes into the home. The Boss Baby also shows that older children can participate and grow.

Alec Baldwin plays the arrogant, stuck up, self absorbed radical boss baby perfectly in The Boss Baby. It like the role was written for his personality and scandals from his very own life. The rest of the voice actors do a fantastic job in The Boss Baby. The bonus content found on The Boss Baby DVD are The Boss Baby and Tim's Treasure Hunt Through Time, BabyCorp and You, The Forever Puppy Infomercial, Babies vs Puppies Who Do YOU Love, The Boss Baby's Undercover Team, Cookies are for Closers, The Great Sibling Competition, Deleted Scenes, and more.

I love how The Boss Baby shows kids using their imagination. The Boss Baby teaches there is plenty of love to go around. Binkies are how babies connect to the BabyCorp. The Boss Baby shows how babies can completely control a family. The special baby formula that kept babies in management forever young was interesting indeed. As well as the main bad guy, and his connection to BabyCorp.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: DVD
Publisher: 20th Century Fox
Developer: Dreamworks Animation
Rating: 'PG' for Parental Guidance Suggested
{Some Mild Rude Humor}

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