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Werewolves Within





Werewolves Within 


Werewolves Within is the most deceptive PS4 VR video game I have ever played. A Playstation Plus membership is required to play this game. It will give you two free days to try the game. Werewolves Within also must be played online. There is no offline only mode in Werewolves Within. Werewolves Within should be rated ‘M’ based on the community.

I experienced all kinds of toxic venom in Werewolves Within. The online community for this game is extremely profane, racist, sexist, bigoted against Christians, and more. Playing Werewolves Within is one of the worst gaming experiences of my life. The controls are confusing, and the community is hateful to new players. You are also expected to talk to them while they spread their hatred.

The graphics are meh in Werewolves Within at best. Characters are thrown out of their bodies and exposed as villagers or werewolves. The whole goal of Werewolves Within is to find the werewolf if you are a villager, and to falsely accuse others if you are a werewolf. Expect a lot of lying and deceit in Werewolves Within. Good liars can do well in Werewolves Within. Honesty is not encouraged in this PS4 VR video game. This bothered me on multiple levels.

I do not like having to pay for a Playstation Plus Membership to play a game. I do not like how the case does not disclose that. Werewolves Within does disclose the Internet is required. It is sort of hidden on the front cover of the case. I did not notice it before playing this creepy game where lying is encouraged and the online community discriminates against Christians.

Other players can boot you from the game if they feel like it. I was booted numerous times trying to figure out how to close the book or do what needed to be done next. The lack of patience, and assistance from the hateful online community is just another reason to dislike this lame PS4 VR video game. Werewolves Within is not even worth five dollars brand spanking new in my professional opinion.


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 20%
Replay/Extras: 10%
Gameplay: 25%
Family Friendly Factor: 20% 

System: PS4 VR
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Red Storm Entertainment
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
{Mild Fantasy Violence}

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