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Wonder Woman 


If you have been reading reviews and watching the FFG Original videos then you know Wonder Woman is a Blu-ray + DVD movie I purchased on Black Friday 2017. If not then please click here. for the FFG Haul video. I am thankful I had enough money to be able to purchase this movie. I expect some bad stuff from Wonder Woman. I was not too sure how far they would take it.

I expected there to be violence, lack of attire, and enticement to lust in Wonder Woman. I forgot about the false gods, and magic. I also forgot about the attacks on marriage, and that attacks on men. There is plenty of war, blood, violence, and death in Wonder Woman. I suppose it is difficult to show a war zone and not show blood, death, explosions, and violence. I was not expecting the war on men, and war on morals in Wonder Woman

Most of the humor in Wonder Woman comes from different cultures. The Amazons are magically hidden from the rest of the world. They know nothing of technology, and the outside world. They hide away. Wonder Woman is a weapon to be used to kill Ares. Her mother wants to keep her safe though. She lies to her and does not reveal Wonder Woman's origins. That is not the only instance of lying in Wonder Woman. The spy Steve Trevor lies to his superiors.

Wonder Woman teaches each of us has good and evil inside of us. Wonder Woman teaches we decide to do good or evil with each choice. Wonder Woman also teaches us to have faith and belief in love. Ares wants to wipe out humanity because they are selfish, evil, vile, wicked, petty, and horrible. Wonder Woman fights for humanity against annihilation.

It took 141 minutes to watch Wonder Woman. There are plenty of bonus features about the movie on the discs. The bonus content within Wonder Woman is Etta's Mission, Explore the filmmaking journey, Join the director going through pivotal movie moments, Extended Scenes, Blooper Reel, and more. Wonder Woman is very sexist against men. Which is a real shame.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 45%

System: Blu-ray/DVD
Publisher: Warner Bros Pictures
Developer: Tencent Pictures, Wanda Pictures, Atlas Entertainment
Rating: ‘PG-13’ for Parents Strongly Cautioned
{Sequences of Violence and Action, and Some Suggestive Content}

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