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World to the West




World to the West 


Rain Games provided Family Friendly Gaming a digital download code for World to the West on the Playstation 4. We had requested a retail version so we could do an Unboxing video, review, and video series on World to the West. Since we received the digital download code we are only doing the review. On the Playstation Store World to the West said it was 3.7 gigs in terms of size. When it downloaded it said 5.7 gigs in size. All of this is provided to be open, honest, and transparent.

World to the West is an indie game that feels like it is coming from a mid level company. The indie graphics in World to the West look good. There is some violent content as we can whack these creatures. One of the playable characters in World to the West can also control them and walk them into the water and off cliffs. World to the West is very interesting in how we control different characters throughout the story.

I spend so much time finding so many problems in so many video games that it is rare I actually enjoy a game. I found while I was playing World to the West that I actually enjoyed this action adventure video game with plenty of puzzles. World to the West reminds me of some older Zelda video games. The story telling in World to the West drew me in. There is some light magical elements and religious elements.

The music in World to the West is really nice. I enjoyed listening to it while trying to figure out what to do. There is some humor in World to the West as well. I was shocked to find it too. It stuck out like the personality of the strong man. The different characters have different skills. It is amazing how well the areas are designed. Certain characters are needed in certain areas to progress. We swap characters at totem poles. These totem poles have the faces of the characters in World to the West.

Some of the skills in World to the West is teleport for short distances, dig and tunnel underground, control animals, fight, break down chained doors, and more. I really liked skating on the water in form of ice in World to the West. It made me feel like Ice Man from the X-Men. The physical copy version of World to the West is currently selling for twenty dollars brand new. I feel that is a good price for this game. We have even added it to the bottom of our purchase buying list. This is the kind of an indie game that deserves a physical copy.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 85%
Replay: 90%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/Xbox One/PS4(tested)
Publisher: SOEDESCO
Developer: Rain Games
Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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