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911 Operator




911 Operator 


I appreciate Family Friendly Gaming being given a digital download code for 911 Operator on the Nintendo Switch. I found no information on a physical copy version of 911 Operator in the United States of America. This is one of those video games that simulates a job. This is also along the lines of games we have discussed in the Family Friendly Gaming e-magazine.

We go on duty in 911 Operator in one of six different cities. We can play 911 Operator in Career, Tutorial, or a Free Game. The Career has Unique Stories, and Daily Routine. The Daily Routine is like a real day for a 911 Operator, and the Unique Stories spreads things out so we can see a variety of different issues. We control the police, fire and medics in 911 Operator.

The main screen of 911 Operator is a map. We see the map of the cities, where the incidents are, and where our vehicles are located. We must also answer the phone and listen to different issues. I learned how to slow down or speed up time in 911 Operator. If you ignore a problem in 911 Operator then we are fined. Which is not cool at the end of the day when you see your Duty Report.

The issues families can have with 911 Operator are bad language, violence, sexual language, enticement to lust, drugs, and more. We are dealing with criminals, accidents, and more in 911 Operator. Keep that in mind. This game deals with a lot of bad things in our world. Much of the problems characters have in 911 Operator show just how selfish they really are. I see it in the real world all the time.

I love the concept of 911 Operator on the Nintendo Switch. This simulation video game gave me a greater respect for the 911 Operator in the real world. Can you imagine how difficult that job is? I can barely handle it in a video game. I do not think I could handle it in the real world. It was a pleasure for me to play and review 911 Operator on the Nintendo Switch
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: SONKA
Developer: Jutsu Games
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
{Drug Reference, Language, Mild Violence, Sexual Themes}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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