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Construction Simulator 2




Construction Simulator 2 


I give credit where credit is due. Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Construction Simulator 2 on the Playstation 4. This might be one of the most realistic construction simulators I have played. Maybe I should preface that with: "that is playable." I have played some construction simulators on the PC before that are too glitchy to be called playable. Construction Simulator 2 is very playable.

Construction Simulator 2 is only provided in the downloadable format in the US at this time. Which is pretty lame for the millions of families solidly in the physical copy movement. Construction Simulator 2 is one of those games that deserves a physical copy edition. Sure it would probably wind up selling for twenty dollars because not everyone is into this kind of a game.

It is a good thing I am into games like Construction Simulator 2. I love working with different vehicles. Construction Simulator 2 enforces the law, and quickly. Run a red light and that will be money immediately deducted from your account. Construction Simulator 2 also starts with a safety first message. Construction Simulator 2 is realistic and genuine about building integrity in gamers.

I enjoyed the vehicle sounds while playing Construction Simulator 2. The music is nice, and the directions in Construction Simulator 2 are clear as long as you can read. I needed help with certain words in Construction Simulator 2. This simulation video game can also be found on the Xbox One and the Personal Computer. The console edition is supposed to be better than the app. I have not played the app so I can not say one way or the other.

The controls in Construction Simulator 2 take some getting used to. Operating the equipment can be challenging at first with eight different controls. I learned what to do with some experimentation. The menu controls can be a bit odd. We open a menu with square, and then highlight a selection and use square again to select (like turning lights on and off). We go to shops and hold down the X button, and select with X. I wish there was one main control button because this confused me a lot.

Construction Simulator 2 is a 2.7 gig download if you need to know how much space to clear up. I enjoyed my time with Construction Simulator 2. It is very realistic in what we do and how we do it. There are reasons licenses are needed for some of these jobs. If you want to see if construction is something in your future then try out Construction Simulator 2. It can help you see what the job entails.
- Kid Gamer


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%

System: PC/Xbox One/PS4(tested)
Publisher: astragon
Developer: weltenbauer
Rating: 'E' for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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