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Cooking Mama Sweet Shop


  Family Friendly Gaming seal of approval

SCORE: 100


Cooking Mama Sweet Shop 


Cooking Mama Sweet Shop is the fourth game to receive a perfect one hundred score from Family Friendly Gaming. It is also a game where the PR and Marketing people failed us. Family Friendly Gaming purchased a copy of Cooking Mama Sweet Shop. It is great to see the FFG Hall of Famer come back and earn the rarely given seal of approval on the Nintendo 3DS.

Families get a lot of things to do in Cooking Mama Sweet Shop. There is a Photo Studio, My Shop, Let’s Shop, Mama’s Gallery, Let’s Make Sweets, and World Challenge. Every time we make a new recipe that item is then added to our shop. We can go into the shop and sell those items. The money we make is used to upgrade the shop, the kitchen, mama, and more. This hand held game lets us decorate as well as bake.

The sounds are fantastic in Cooking Mama Sweet Shop. The graphics look wonderful. I noticed a nice upgrade in the presentation from previous Mama games. It is so wonderful to see a traditional woman back in the video game industry again. The 3D effects in Cooking Mama Sweet Shop are amazing. The game play is also improved in Cooking Mama Sweet Shop. There is more time and better explanations for the mini games.

The more I played Cooking Mama Sweet Shop the more I got into it. Cooking Mama Sweet Shop sucked me in, and kept me there happily for many hours. There are 160 mini games in Cooking Mama Sweet Shop played across sixty different recipes. Cooking Mama Sweet Shop also has the local download play where up to four family members can enjoy this game at the same time. Please note that you will need one Nintendo 3DS per player to do that. I believe Cooking Mama Sweet Shop is worth the thirty dollar price tag it comes with.

I had so much fun playing Cooking Mama Sweet Shop. Paul is planning on doing a video series of this game in the future. I hope you enjoy that as much as I enjoyed this Nintendo 3DS video game. Hopefully Rising Star Games can clean up their act going forward. I am recommending Cooking Mama Sweet Shop on the Nintendo 3DS to families. This game has a traditional woman helping us out in the kitchen. She also decorates and runs a shop. We need more games like Cooking Mama Sweet Shop in the video game industry.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 100%
Sound: 100%
Replay/Extras: 98%
Gameplay: 100%
Family Friendly Factor: 100%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Rising Star Games
Developer: Cooking Mama Limited
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Alcohol Reference}

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