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I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Exorder on the Nintendo Switch. There are single player and multiplayer modes in this 1.7 gig download. I found no information on a physical copy version of Exorder at this time in the US. Exorder is a mix between turn based strategy and real time strategy. I will explain what I mean by that in just a minute.

We play Exorder in turn based strategy levels. We take houses and forts which provide us resources. These resources are then used to purchase additional soldiers. This is a neat twist on the turn based strategy. The graphics in Exorder look indie, and there is some voice acting in this controversial video game. The main character in Exorder is a princess. She beats her brother and takes over the kingdom. Is Exorder part of the war on men?

How does the ESRB continue to fail families? We would be millionaires by now if the ESRB had to pay us fines for every single time we find something they missed. Exorder was given the everyone six and older rating. This game has bad language, violence, and more. The ESRB could not find one descriptor to mention these things. At the very least Exorder should be an E10+ (everyone ten and older only) rated video game. The really bad language words included could even bump it to a 'T' (thirteen and older only) rating.

The battles in Exorder can drag on for some time. We must continue to resupply the troops we lose. There are clever things that will keep our attention in the twelve chapters included within the campaign mode of Exorder. We can also enjoy some challenges, and skirmishes in Exorder. The controls try to lock on to the character you are trying to pick. Which can be a bit glitchy at times.

I love the concept of Exorder in terms of the resources. The voice acting felt a bit dry and stale to me. There are references to temples in Exorder which lead me to believe there could also be false gods in this fantasy medieval video game. Even with all of its flaws I enjoyed playing Exorder. The length of Exorder is pretty short in my opinion, especially for a turn based role playing game. So much of the highly controversial and offensive content could have been left out in my opinion.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: PC/Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: Fat Dog Games
Developer: Solid9 Studio
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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