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Fernz Gate





Fernz Gate 


Recently Family Friendly Gaming was provided a digital download code for Fernz Gate on the Xbox One. This downloadable only role playing game can also be found on Windows 10. KEMCO is branching out to different systems with their games. This is neat to see. The download size for Fernz Gate is 853 megs. This game is not provided in the physical copy format for the millions upon millions of gamers who only play physical copy games.

The issues families will have with Fernz Gate is demons, violence, bad language, magic, false goddess, enticement to lust, lack of attire, and more. I had to agree to give KEMCO access to my account to play Fernz Gate. That is scary on so many levels. In fact at one point I was signed out by KEMCO. I did not take that very well. This is a topic Family Friendly Gaming has written about numerous times.

For some odd reason when I played Fernz Gate the audio would go out. I tried all kinds of trouble shooting. Man we spent a lot of money trying to figure out the cause of this particular glitch in this game. The story in Fernz Gate felt pretty typical for a KEMCO game. Fernz Gate forces us to go on the side quests. I loved being able to plant seeds for stat boosts in Fernz Gate.

Magic is very over powered in Fernz Gate. The physical attacks are almost worthless in this game. I used a physical attack for thirty points of damage. I then used an elemental magic attack for three hundred points of damage. Guess which attacks I stuck with in Fernz Gate from that point on. Hey if a game gives me one easy path to victory I am going to take it. Do you blame me?

The cut scenes in Fernz Gate are long, and I was unable to skip them. Cut scenes do not count as part of your game play time either. Which is really odd since we are forced to let them run. I did not like being forced to go on the side quests all the time. I had to change my permissions after playing this game. I also changed my password for security reasons. I have no idea why that level of control was included in this game.
- RPG Master


Graphics: 55%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: PC/Xbox One(tested)
Publisher: KEMCO
Developer: Exe-Create
Rating: 'T' - THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence, Language}
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Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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