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Fringe Season 1





Fringe Season 1 


I received Fringe Season 1 as a birthday gift this year. I knew very little about this show. I knew it was science fiction and that interested me. The premise of the show revolves around a female FBI agent, a mad scientist, and his son. It takes 1028 minutes to watch this show that skirts the fringe of science. Fringe Season 1 deals with a lot of what ifs and wild theories.

The issues families can have with Fringe Season 1 are blood, gore, disgusting images, lack of attire, enticement to lust, sex outside of marriage, bad language, promotes religious belief of evolution, attacks Christians, attacks God, promotes drugs, and more. Fringe Season 1 deals with all kinds of gross and disgusting things. Men are shown as sexist and women are shown as heroic. Fringe Season 1 could be defined as part of the war on men.

The things that makes Fringe Season 1 interesting is the characters. The mad scientist Dr Walter Bishop is quirky enough to be funny. He is a great example of why drugs are bad for you. I also believe Walter wants to fix the mad scientist mistakes he made in the past. His son Peter Bishop is much more shady than his father. He has underworld connections that help in certain cases.

Agent Olivia Dunham seems like a weird pick for this team in my opinion. Her work is not that great, and she has a real problem with authority. Fringe Season 1 shows authority figures as corrupt, or worse. Terrorists like animal rights activists are shown in a good light in Fringe Season 1. Large corporations and Christians are shown in a really bad light in Fringe Season 1. Typical Holly Weird hate speech.

There is a lot of genetic manipulation in Fringe Season 1. There are also plenty of interesting secrets for us to uncover. The cliffhanger ending in Fringe Season 1 is fascinating and makes me want to live long and prosper. I plan on purchasing additional seasons of Fringe to see where this show goes. In a lot of ways Fringe Season 1 feels like a lighter version of the X-Files.
- Paul


Graphics: 55%
Sound: 60%
Replay: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

Publisher: Warner Bros
Developer: Warner Bros
System: DVD
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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