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Gran Turismo Sport





Gran Turismo Sport 


Some are declaring the PS4 VR a bigger failure than the PR and Marketing firm representing this game. I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming purchased a copy of Gran Turismo Sport on the PS4 VR. Please note you can play Gran Turismo Sport without the VR headset. That is actually a better way of playing Gran Turismo Sport in my professional opinion. You might disagree.

There was a 15 gig update required before we could play online. Gran Turismo Sport is sadly an extremely online heavy video game. Ranking up can be a pain in Gran Turismo Sport. Why does that matter? Certain tracks are only opened up when you reach a certain level. There is a two day free trial to play Gran Turismo Sport online. After that you must pay Sony a yearly or monthly fee to play Gran Turismo Sport online.

The online matching in Gran Turismo Sport is horrible. It takes fifteen minutes to get into a match. The elevator music in Gran Turismo Sport is horrible. The VR racing, and VR Tour sections gave me a headache and made me feel ill. If you can unlock all of the tracks then you will get thirty-three. There are thirty cars in Gran Turismo Sport. We can play Gran Turismo Sport in three difficulty settings (Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert).

There are three control schemes in Gran Turismo Sport. None of them control very well in my opinion. The intro movie in Gran Turismo Sport is pretty cool. To me Gran Turismo Sport is like a light racing game from the Dreamcast era. They may have had more content and definitely better controls from that gaming era. Racing at different times of the day is a cool feature in Gran Turismo Sport.

In my professional opinion Gran Turismo Sport is worth five dollars brand new. It winds up costing you more money for Playstation Plus, and has a low amount of content. The controls are not very good, and the music is horrible. Gran Turismo Sport is not the worst VR racing game I have played. Driveclub VR holds that distinction. I had high hopes for Gran Turismo Sport. Sony dashed those hopes to bits.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 50%
Gameplay: 55%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: PS4/PS4 VR
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Developer: Polyphony Digital
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone
{Use of Alcohol, Use of Tobacco}

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