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I get an extra life thanks to Family Friendly Gaming purchasing a copy of Miitopia on the Nintendo 3DS. The PR and Marketing people for Miitopia caused me to lose lives. Know what else made me lose lives in Miitopia? The constant push for Spotpass. No I do not want to use Spotpass. I named the villain in Miitopia - Nintendo. That is right. Why? Because that is how I feel about how they treat Christians.

Every time I needed a new character in Miitopia I had to create a Mii for them. That is how intense the graphics are in Miitopia. I am being extremely sarcastic. Miitopia would most likely run on the Nintendo DS. This hand held video game with life sim elements does not push the hardware anywhere near its limits. The poor graphics show this. The music is nice in Miitopia. Animal Crossing sounds are recycled in this game.

So the darkness came and stole the faces of these people. He then put it on the monsters. Why? Because monsters needed them. I don’t know. Nintendo has not been known to flesh out their stories very well. The issues families can have with Miitopia are false gods, spirits, magic, violence, ghosts, gambling, and more. Miitopia is a turn based role playing game where we only control the main character. The other characters in our party do what they want.

The more you travel with someone and spend time at the inn the better they will fight together. We can also eat things in Miitopia. That will help increase certain stats of the characters. It takes time to level up characters, and to save up enough money to improve weapons and armor. We can only improve them at the inns and when the character asks for it. This mechanic feels broken to me.

I value Miitopia at fifteen to twenty dollars brand new. The meh graphics, and lack of control hurt this game. I had fun playing Miitopia on the Nintendo 3DS. I thought I would hate this game, but it actually had some charm to it. I actually enjoyed the levels. The characters say mindless and clueless things when walking around. The storyline is dull, and characters lack depth.
- RPG Master


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EPD
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Crude Humor, Mild Cartoon Violence}

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