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My Riding Stables - Life with Horses




My Riding Stables - Life with Horses 


Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for My Riding Stables - Life with Horses on the Nintendo Switch. There are physical copies of My Riding Stables - Life with Horses available, and this equestrian related video game is also on the Playstation 4. My Riding Stables - Life with Horses is a 1.3 gig download. If you choose the download route make sure you have enough memory available.

My Riding Stables - Life with Horses lets us play in Story or Instant Mode. There are goals to achieve while we play My Riding Stables - Life with Horses. Achieve all of the goals and you can level up. The biggest problem with these goals are actually doing them. My Riding Stables - Life with Horses tells us what to do, just not how to do it. I went around trying to figure out how to do things in My Riding Stables - Life with Horses.

I know there are plenty of gamers complaining about forced tutorials. My Riding Stables - Life with Horses shows what happens when there is no tutorial and what we have to do is not always intuitive. My Riding Stables - Life with Horses frustrated me multiple times. The controls are a bit off in My Riding Stables - Life with Horses too. I still have trouble jumping over fences based on the controls. Why can't we just press one button to jump?

Moving around with our rider/trainer can be fun as well. I had to turn them just so in My Riding Stables - Life with Horses to get the camera to mode. This was my second frustration with My Riding Stables - Life with Horses. My Riding Stables - Life with Horses only lets certain things happen if certain other conditions are met. We can not groom the horse unless we put it in the stall for example. I know people who groom horses outside the stall in real life.

I ran into some glitches and game crashes in My Riding Stables - Life with Horses. I expected some cool story telling in the story mode of My Riding Stables - Life with Horses. I came away disappointed. I found some invisible walls while playing My Riding Stables - Life with Horses as well. It is easy to fail things like training horses and riding a horse since not everything is explained very well.

My Riding Stables - Life with Horses is generally safe for families. There are plenty of horses to train and things to do. I saw a physical copy of My Riding Stables - Life with Horses is selling for thirty dollars brand new. That is an okay price for this game. If you can find My Riding Stables - Life with Horses for twenty dollars then you will be getting a decent deal.


Graphics: 70%
Sounds: 80%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: PS4/Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: Kalypso Media Group
Developer: Independent Arts
Rating: 'E' - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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