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Pokken Tournament





Pokken Tournament 


It is one thing for a game to be gone for awhile and come back with an upgraded version. It is a completely different story for a game like Pokken Tournament DX. This Pokemon fighting game was on the Wii U, and then the Nintendo Switch one year later. Come on Nintendo. We know you like to rehash and recycle your games, but one year later is a bit too quick for me. I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming purchased a copy of Pokken Tournament DX after the PR and Marketing people for Nintendo failed us.

I can get into Smash Bros and play it. Pokken Tournament DX is horrible compared to Smash Bros. The attacks are not great, and the combo juggling system is broken. I could combo juggle someone all the way to a wall. Or maybe they did the same to me. Shields are temporary and can get broken. All of the characters start out unlocked. Why even play the story mode?

Families must be made aware of the content issues within Pokken Tournament DX. There is violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, religious teachings of evolution, ghosts, psychics, and more. The price of Pokken Tournament DX is way over inflated in my professional opinion. Pokken Tournament DX should be selling for no more than fifteen dollars brand new. Shame on Nintendo for expecting sixty dollars for porting this game over a year later.

There are twenty-one fighters in Pokken Tournament DX. Some of them are just the same with a different face. There are twenty stadiums that did not look that different to me. The graphics look nice, and the special effects are neat. The music is cool to listen to while bashing in other Pokemon. There are some Pokemon that are really difficult to fight with. I would trash others with some Pokemon and only lose with other Pokemon.

If you go through the leagues than you can level up your Pokemon. There are four skills we can improve one at a time, when we level up. I did not really like or enjoy Pokken Tournament. So it goes to say I think even less of Pokken Tournament DX. Sure there is more content. Problem is it is overpriced, too much rehash, and released too close to the Wii U version.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 40%
Gameplay: 40%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Bandai Namco
Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}

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