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We all know Rome was not a good empire. Rome did all kinds of horrible things. Pompeii makes sure to reinforce that point with the viewer. The main character Milo watched his people get slaughtered by the Romans. He was a child and pretended to be dead to escape. He was then kidnapped by slave traders who sold him into slavery. He became a gladiator that dominated in the outer providence's.

The issues families can have with Pompeii are blood, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, cheap view of human beings, slavery, death, destruction, false gods, bad language, and more. The poor acting in Pompeii shines through in ways I was not expecting. Pompeii goes out of its way to show the class system of Rome. It also shows the low value women have in this society. Pompeii makes me think Romans were liars, and deceivers. They are also look really cruel.

Milo runs across Cassia - the daughter of a nobleman who is in charge of Pompeii. They eventually fall in love. Sadly a Roman Senator decides he wants Cassia as well. In order for him to invest in Pompeii, he must be allowed to marry her. As if that were not enough of a problem Mount Vesuvius decides to erupt. The deck is certainly stacked against this couple in Pompeii.

For me a lot of Pompeii is all about how things will happen. Meaning I know generally what happened to the people in the city of Pompeii. What I did not know is what will happen exactly to certain characters. SPOILER ALERT! I held out hope that the couple of Milo and Cassia would make it out and get to live out the rest of their lives together. Sadly they do die in Pompeii.

The bonus content in Pompeii is Filmakers Commentary, The Assembly Cast and Characters, and the Volcanic Eruption - Special Effects. Historically Pompeii gets some things right and some things wrong. The massive tidal wave in Pompeii is an example of something gotten wrong. It was entertaining, but not historically accurate. The same goes for the lava bombs that hit the city - not accurate.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: DVD
Publisher: Sony Pictures
Developer: Tristar Pictures
Rating: ‘PG-13’ for Parental Guidance suggested if under 13 years of age {intense battle sequences, disaster related action, and brief sexual content}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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