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RPG Master Fes





RPG Master Fes 


I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming purchased a copy of RPG Maker Fes on the Nintendo 3DS. The PR and Marketing folks over at NIS America failed us miserably. There is good and bad in RPG Maker Fes. If you are interested in making your own role playing games on the Nintendo 3DS then you might consider purchasing RPG Maker Fes. You must be all in though.

RPG Maker Fes is a very difficult tool to learn. I floundered around trying to figure out how to do things. Take for example you want to add a town or a dungeon. These are hidden on a sub screen that takes some looking to find. Then you place it on the map and test it. Nothing happens. So you have to create a map for the town. Then go and create an event on the map town icon to move to that other map.

Normally we are not that big on tutorials here at Family Friendly Gaming. We do not need to be shown how to jump in a 2D side scrolling game. RPG Maker Fes is one of those games that really needs a tutorial. There is also a limit on how large you can make games based on memory. Games that you create can be dispensed for others to play. You will receive no money for your hard work though. What are we slave labor?

Families can download other players games from the Nintendo eShop. It is unknown what kind of bad content you may run across in other players games. The main content we found within RPG Maker Fes is violence, enticement to lust, alcohol, language, and more. There some pretty twisted people out there making games. I advise caution when it comes to downloading other players games.

I love the idea of giving gamers the tools to make their own games. RPG Maker Fes fulfills that decently on the Nintendo 3DS. There are plenty aspects lacking in this tool. RPG Maker Fes is also not very intuitive. If you are willing to dig into RPG Maker Fes, and spend the time to learn it then you might find a love for video game creation. It could even start you on the path to actually getting paid for your games in the future.
- Paul


Graphics: 55%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 40%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: NIS America
Rating: ‘E10+’ for Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY
{Alcohol Reference, Mild Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes}

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