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Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together!





Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together! 


I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming purchased a copy of Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together! on the Nintendo Switch. Now your family can decide if they want to give Nintendo money for this Nintendo Switch game or not. Yes Nintendo’s PR and Marketing firm failed Family Friendly Gaming completely.

Have you ever wanted to like a game so much, but were not able to? That is how it was for me with Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together! on the Nintendo Switch. I found this game to be obnoxious. Puzzles do not always make sense. We have to be perfect on filling certain shapes.

One to four family members can struggle through Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together! at the same time. If you play by yourself then you will need to swap between two characters. Nintendo obviously meant this game for two people at the same time. Our odd looking characters can jump, crouch, walk, rotate, and cut parts out of the other one.

There are star levels in Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together! that have multiple puzzles in them. Families must not only figure out the puzzle, but how to solve it. I still can not figure out what I am expected to do in certain puzzles. I never found any hint to point me in the general direction. The music in Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together! is nice and the graphics are subpar. I value Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together! at five dollars brand new.

Like I said before I wanted to like Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together! so much. Ultimately this game fell flat for me. I found it to be boring and obnoxious. I like how Nintendo took a lame digital download only game, and moved it into the physical copy realm. Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together! is so forgettable that it could have stayed in the digital download only forum.

I never want to see this game again. I hope Snipperclips Plus Cut It Out, Together! gets no more sequels. It was painful to play this Switch game.
- Sam


Graphics: 55%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: SFB Games
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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