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The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar




The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar 


It pleases me that Family Friendly Gaming was given a copy of The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar on DVD. It takes 141 minutes to watch The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar on DVD. There are no bonus features included. Apologies that we did not have enough time to do an Unboxing video of The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar. I know some of ya'll really enjoy the Family Friendly Gaming Unboxing videos. As well as the other original FFG videos. To check out the FFG Originals please click here.

The episodes included on The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar are The Rise of Scar, The Trouble with Galagos, Janja's New Crew, Baboons, and Lions of the Outlands. Kion plays the most major part in The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar. There are moments for some of the other characters in the episodes found on The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar. The animation continues to be good.

The music in The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar tickled my ear. I enjoyed some of the songs included within The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar. I still find it odd that the Lion Guard stop predators from eating prey. The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar talks about the circle of life numerous times. It just does not allow the circle of life to actually happen. This disconnect continues to feel weird.

The issues families can have with The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar are cartoon violence, ghosts, spirits, and more. We get some interesting new characters in The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar. The poor hyenas are so mistreated in this show. The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar teaches kids not to call names, do not rule through force, be calm, be quiet, listen, sit still, and more.

Are you confused how Scar rises in The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar? Kion speaks to his dead ancestor lions that were good. A cobra and the hyenas find a way to talk to Scar even though he is dead. Kion's roar is used to open this gateway to talk to the dead. I am a Christian and follow God's commands on not contacting the dead. So that part of The Lion Guard The Rise of Scar bothers me the most.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Disney Junior
Rating: Rating: ‘TV-Y’ - Directed to children 7 and older
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Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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