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V-Rally 4




V-Rally 4 


Family Friendly Gaming was given a limited digital download code for V-Rally 4 on the Playstation 4. This racing game is also available on the Nintendo Switch, PC, and Xbox One. The download code size for V-Rally 4 is 20.4 gigs. Massive I know. Thankfully V-Rally 4 is provided in the traditional and very respected physical copy format. The intro movie in V-Rally 4 is fantastic.

Long time members of Family Friendly Gaming Universe know we have a love/hate relationship with Rally games here at Family Friendly Gaming. Dirt 4 was really liked here at FFG because we could turn damage off, and drop the difficulty setting so we could actually win races. V-Rally 4 is missing those much needed elements. Which is a true shame because not all of us are expert Rally drivers.

There are verbal directions and pictures presented. It can be tough trying to remember all of the lefts and rights in V-Rally 4. This is the same in every other Rally video game we have played though. There is no rewind in V-Rally 4. It is like walking the high wire without a rope. One mistake is very costly. How is it costly in V-Rally 4? Besides the crashing you will have to pay for repairs. You will also most likely mess up your time and earn less money.

The controls start really loose in V-Rally 4. We earn money, buy better cars, hire agents, mechanics, and engineers. Contracts can also provide much needed money in V-Rally 4. The controls can be adjusted to help you play better. The offensive music in V-Rally 4 can be turned off. Graphically V-Rally 4 looks fantastic. The narrow paths kept my stress levels high while playing V-Rally 4.

V-Rally 4 contains V-Rally Mode, Quick Game, Multiplayer, Options, and Extras. There are twenty-two environments and a Stage Generator in V-Rally 4. There are over fifty cars in V-Rally 4. The five disciplines in V-Rally 4 are Rally, V-Rally Cross, Extreme Khana, Buggy, and Hillclimb. There is a fair amount of vehicle customization in V-Rally 4. One of the coolest things in V-Rally 4 is split screen local offline multiplayer.
- Frank


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/Xbox One/PS4(tested)
Publisher: Maximum Games
Developer: KT Racing
Rating: ‘E' - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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