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WRC 6 


There are some video game franchises that go in the right and proper direction. Then there are other video game franchises that go in the wrong direction. WRC 6 is an example of a video game franchise that is sliding down the hill, and needs a quick reset. It is interesting to me that WRC 6 resets the player almost immediately when we go off the track, but the series can not get the same reset.

The graphics in WRC 6 are okay. They are not great, and are barely PS4/Xbox One generation in my opinion. The car sounds get so loud we do not hear the voice telling us the different curves coming up ahead. Which is really not that much of a problem since the directions confuse me. I also heard words in WRC 6 that I had no idea what they meant. I knew something was coming up, just not what it was going to be.

The driving test in WRC 6 is crazy. I was always a minute behind the computers on easy and this game wanted to increase the difficulty on me. I had to make damages cosmetic only because tires like to pop quicker than balloons in a needle factory. The controls are loose. I messed around with the adjustments and could not find anything that suited me. The most fun I had in WRC 6 was crashing.

WRC 6 has a local split screen multiplayer. There are multiple countries and tracks to race in WRC 6. We ran into multiple glitches while playing WRC 6. The options available are Solo, and Multiplayer. There is also Options and Extras. We can play Quick Game, Career, Custom Championship, Introduction, and Driving Test. WRC 6 has some very quick resets when we go off the track. Like falling down a cliff and never landing.

If you are a hardcore racer that loves WRC then you might get into WRC 6. I feel WRC 6 is generally too difficult and too glitchy for most families. I also wish there was some intelligent training on how to race this game better. I learned a few things from playing previous games. I found that WRC 6 is generally worse than the last game in this series. I will not play this game again.
- Frank


Graphics: 60%
Sounds: 60%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 40%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One(tested)
Publisher: Bigben Interactive
Developer: KT Racing
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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