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Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection





Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection 


I am so thankful Family Friendly Gaming had the money to purchase Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection on the Xbox One. The PR and Marketing for this company failed us 100%. It is great to see this game ported to the Xbox One with all of the DLC.

The biggest issue families can have with Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection is the highly divisive and extremely controversial evolution religious belief being taught in this game. I remembered some of the quirks from years ago and was able to quickly and easily navigate this game. Should I do a video series of Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection?

The graphics look good, the animals look good, the habitats look good, and the tutorial is very helpful. Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection also sounds nice. I loved the different animals sounds in this zoo building video game. The music in Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection is really good as well.

I enjoyed adopting animals in Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection. Always pay attention to the prices and how much money you have. Money is needed to research new things, and to pay your zookeeper workers. It also used to add feeding and cleaning stations. Why are those not included in the habitat from the start? The loading times are a bit long in Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection.

Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection includes Single Player, Online, Change Profile, and Options. We can play in Training Mode, Campaign Mode, Challenge Mode, and Sandbox Mode. Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection includes the Original Campaign, South America Campaign, and the Australia Campaign.

I like playing Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection. It is fun for me to take care of the animals and build an amazing zoo. A sequel to Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection would be awesome. This Kinect port from the Xbox 360 is fun too. I feel Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection is worth twenty dollars.
- Paul


Graphics: 95%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 100%
Gameplay: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 78%

System: Xbox One
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer: Frontier Developments
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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