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ArtPulse is such a gem on the PS4 VR. I was not expecting this when I started playing it. My first impressions of ArtPulse were extremely negative. The game did not work. It did not tell me to use two PS Move Controllers. Once I did then I was able to actually play ArtPulse. Although the right PS Move controller was really glitchy in this downloadable only art based video game. I never could get past that issue.

We get to move around in a 3D environment in ArtPulse and create objects. We can throw stars out there, make suns, blocks, draw and more. All of it is in 3D. We fly around slowly and change the colors of the objects we are creating. ArtPulse relies on your creativity. This four hundred meg download includes three songs (at current time) based on the colors being used. I enjoyed listening to them while expressing my 3D creativity in ArtPulse. There are a limited amount of objects we can use in ArtPulse.

I love how the objects animate in ArtPulse. The tops will drop and spin around for a while. The stars will fly out, come back, and continue until they explode. We can decide how big something is by clicking and dragging with the PS4 Move controller. I enjoyed making things in 3D and then admiring my creations. The more I played ArtPulse the more ideas I came up with. I wish there was a way to get paid for my creations.

ArtPulse fits among some of the best PS4 VR video games I have played. The level of creativity to come up with this idea is impressive indeed. I tip my hat to the developer and publisher of ArtPulse. I never got sick while playing ArtPulse. That in itself is a feat. I was not pleased with the glitches in the right controller. I tried everything to make it go away too. Closing the application, rebooting the system, and trying again later were all things I tried.

I would love for ArtPulse to be released in the much respected physical copy format. This game is something that consumers should see at retail. I hope the members of Family Friendly Gaming that own a PS4 VR will support ArtPulse. ArtPulse is the kind of a video game we need more of. ArtPulse is family friendly, fun, fresh, and neat. It was my personal honor and pleasure to play ArtPulse on the PS4 VR.
- Paul


Graphics: 90%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: PS4 VR
Publisher: VRKiwi
Developer: Mekiwi Oy
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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