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Construction Simulator 2





Construction Simulator 2 


Do you remember the Construction Simulator 2 review for the Personal Computer (PC), Playstation 4 (PS4), and Xbox One that Family Friendly Gaming published in 2018? Construction Simulator 2 has now ported over to the Nintendo Switch. Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code before the game released to the public. This game is a 2.5 gig download in terms of size.

Families can learn all about what it takes to run a construction business in Construction Simulator 2. This downloadable only video game starts with a tutorial to teach families how to play Construction Simulator 2. The controls are a bit sluggish, and confusing. We must open a menu with one button select things with another button, and close the menu with the original button. It made my head hurt.

Graphically Construction Simulator 2 does look dated on the Nintendo Switch. I suspect the frame rate was dropped for this version. I love how Construction Simulator 2 encourages us to enact safety first. There are a variety of options in the profile setup of Construction Simulator 2. Do you want to get tickets for running red lights and speeding? Or do you want to leave that off?

The music in Construction Simulator 2 warmed my soul. I paid attention to the text in Construction Simulator 2 so I knew what to do next. Setting waypoints is easy. Finding where to go is not. Construction Simulator 2 does not give the player a line where to go. Every so often there are giant triangles showing where to be next. It is possible to miss them or go a different route. Construction Simulator 2 does not adjust. I learned to look at the map and figure it out for myself.

Construction Simulator 2 is currently selling for a little under twenty dollars. Families get over forty vehicles/machines and over sixty different construction jobs. I really wish this game came in the physical copy format on the Nintendo Switch. I think that would be really cool. Other simulation video games are being released in the physical copy format on the Nintendo Switch.


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: astragon
Developer: weltenbauer
Rating: 'E' for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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