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God's Not Dead A Light in Darkness




God's Not Dead A Light in Darkness 


The last movie we had left from my Black Friday 2018 purchase is now being watched and reviewed. I had high hopes for God's Not Dead A Light in Darkness. Sadly this movie was a huge let down. I barely know where to begin with all of the problems found within God's Not Dead A Light in Darkness. Extreme radicals on the far left should love God's Not Dead A Light in Darkness.

SPOILER ALERT! God's Not Dead A Light in Darkness decides to tell Christians to give up, and stop fighting. Let the evil, vile and wicked haters have their way. Let them steal from Christians. Let them treat Christians like third class citizens. Let them criminalize our faith. Let them trample on the US Constitution. Let me win. Let them destroy America and go into hiding.

God's Not Dead A Light in Darkness shows us a scary situation where a church has been on a certain spot for a long time. A college joins them on the land, and winds up going to the state. The state then decides they want the church to leave. Who was there first? Governmental abuses of imminent domain have ruined a great many lives over the years.

God's Not Dead A Light in Darkness has all kinds of venom and hatred against Christians. From the tolerant of diversity crowd. Liberal bullies are nothing new. We deal with them here at Family Friendly Gaming on a daily basis. Liberals abusing their positions of power is also nothing new. Happens constantly to us. God's Not Dead A Light in Darkness teaches us to let them have their way.

I understand the point God's Not Dead A Light in Darkness is making. It tells us that if we let the extreme radicals on the far left destroy our culture then they will come around to want a relationship with Jesus Christ. Sad truth is I have done that before and it did not result in that benefit. Instead they decided to try and take more. Why? They are never satisfied until they destroy everything related to God.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: DVD
Publisher: Pure Flix
Developer: Pure Flix
Rating: ‘PG’ for Parental Guidance Suggested {Thematic Elements including some violence, and suggestive material}

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