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Kim Possible




Kim Possible 


I am very thankful Disney sent Family Friendly Gaming a copy of Kim Possible on DVD. Did you catch the live stream Unboxing? If not please go here. Note it will only be online for two weeks from when it was aired. Become a follower of our Twitch stream to be notified when future Unboxings occur. I am vaguely familiar with Kim Possible. This live action movie rendition of the show tames down a few of the things families have voiced concerns about.

So much of Kim Possible feels campy. Someone who watched Kim Possible with me thought the effects were on the low budget side of things. Kim Possible is a made for television movie so I am not too terribly surprised. We have some action adventure violence where mainly a teenage girl is beating up men. Kim has a male side kick who is shown as bumbling and incompetent.

I know there are readers who will immediately look at Kim Possible and decide it is part of the war on men. I can definitely see that perspective. I know others who will look at Kim Possible and scream how it is trying to cause gender confusion. I will not argue with anyone who makes that point. There are parts of Kim Possible where the main character is jealous of someone else. SPOILER ALERT! That someone else is actually stealing her possible essence and using it.

The naked mole rat Rufus has a very small role to play in Kim Possible. That pun was completely and entirely intended. I will not apologize for it either. Navigating high school was a fascinating part of Kim Possible. Most of it felt like it was there for comic relief though. What is the sitch is a common phrase used in Kim Possible. At times it felt a little bit forced to me.

Kim Possible is the standard hero fighting the villain. I did not really understand the motives of many of the bad characters in Kim Possible. They are a bit on the shallow side. Dr Drakken made sense at the end of the movie. The point where he monologues his plan. Kim Possible leaves things open for another movie or television series to happen in the near future.

The bonus content on Kim Possible are audition tapes featuring Sadie Stanley, Sean Giambrone, Issac Ryan Brown, Q&A with Sadie and Sean, Bloopers, and More. Fans of the animated series should enjoy the eighty-six minutes of entertainment found within this movie. The grappling gun is a very hand tool in Kim Possible. The laser lipstick was another one.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Disney
Rating: ‘TV-G' - General Audiences
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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