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Madden NFL 2000





Madden NFL 2000 


Hopefully you enjoyed the game my dad and I did of Madden NFL 2000. It shows this game pretty good. We played Madden NFL 2000 on the Nintendo 64. It can also be found on the original Playstation, and Personal Computer. The character models look pretty good in Madden NFL 2000 for that era. Madden NFL 2000 plays decently as well.

Passing can be a bit of gamble in Madden NFL 2000. Certain plays to certain players will almost always work. Other plays will have weird effects like the quarterback will throw behind or throw too far ahead. None of us are sure what is going on there. The computer can be challenging in Madden NFL 2000. I had to work at it and find strategies that would work in those situations.

Families can find Madden NFL 2000 really cheap nowadays. I certainly did when I bought it at a local used gaming store. The fans in the stands do not look that great. This does fit in with that gaming era though. Modern gamers can notice all of the little issues and glitches in Madden NFL 2000. Kicking can be challenging in Madden NFL 2000. Madden NFL 2000 is easily worth five dollars.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Playstation/PC/Nintendo 64(tested)
Publisher: EA Sports
Developer: EA Tiburon
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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