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Mononoke Slashdown





Mononoke Slashdown 


A digital download code for Mononoke Slashdown was provided to Family Friendly Gaming. This downloadable only home console video game is on the Nintendo Switch. I think Mononoke Slashdown tries to be clever in terms of being campy in terms of translations of the storyline. We have one warrior fighting off these evil creatures. The screens are 2D side scrolling but limited in terms of how large they are.

Bosses are really tough in Mononoke Slashdown. Even on the easiest difficulty. We start out picking easy or normal. In easy your health will start to regenerate. You cannot unlock hard mode from easy though. Plus the enemies keep coming and it can be difficult to get some breathing room. At least I had trouble getting breathing room. I had to attack constantly in Mononoke Slashdown.

Certain people at Family Friendly Gaming found the sound effects annoying when we were attacking with the warrior. I got used to it. I did not get used to the large symbols that appear in Mononoke Slashdown. They were not translated into English. I have no idea what they said. We have a sword, kunai dagger, and magical attacks in Mononoke Slashdown.

In many ways Mononoke Slashdown feels like an app to me. There is limited movement, area, and there are challenges to complete. You do not need to complete the secret challenges in each of the missions though. We fight skeletons, ghosts, and other demonic looking monsters in Mononoke Slashdown. The graphics are a unique odd blend of styles that is distinctive. I was woken up pretty quickly by the graphics in Mononoke Slashdown.

Hardcore gamers will get into Mononoke Slashdown. The easy levels will lull you into sleep. Then you will face a boss and get pwned. I learned to use that double jump to try and avoid huge attacks by the large bosses. It can be challenging to take them down. I can see hardcore gamers getting into the challenge of Mononoke Slashdown on the Nintendo Switch.


Graphics: 60%
Sounds: 60%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Arc System Works
Developer: FK Digital
Rating: ‘E10+’ – Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}
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Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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