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Christ Centered Gamer had an extra key for Outward on the Playstation 4 (PS4) and offered it to us. It was decided Family Friendly Gaming would check it out. Our emperor forgot to check the rating. If you want to know why FFG is reviewing a macabre and morbid video game you now have the reason. Outward is an 11.1 gig download. Which is huge. Hopefully the older members of the family will have enough disk space for it. There is a physical copy version of this game at retail.

The areas are large and the loading time is lengthy. There are a number of characters we can interact with. There is a story in this role playing video game that might interest you if you feel like paying back debt. In a way it is lame the players are expected to walk into a game with the main character already owing money and expected to pay back in a certain time frame. Especially after getting ship wrecked near the town.

The issues families will have with Outward are blood, gore, violence, magic, occult, false gods, nudity, and more. There are a lot of angry characters in Outward. We can appease them by doing things for them. There are also some really odd characters and deep history. Outward reminds me of older Elder Scroll games – just not as good. Players must rest and eat in Outward.

There are a lot of things that can kill you in Outward. We can get sick and die. Monsters can kill us. We are stopped from going certain places based on what items we need. The best example is leaving the town. So we have to find certain items to go adventuring. We gather and craft in Outward. We also learn from certain characters. The combat system is pretty light. More work went into the occultic magical system.

The voice acting is okay at times. The music in Outward can get creepy. We can only carry so much before we exhaust our character. This reminds me of Ultima Online. Outward feels more like a survival game than a role playing game to me. Outward is only for the hardcore older members of the family. Casual gamers will not enjoy Outward. In fact they will wonder what sick mind made such a game.
- RPG Master


Graphics: 30%
Sounds: 60%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 40%

System: PC/Xbox One/Playstation 4(tested)
Publisher: Deep Silver, Koch Media
Developer: Nine Dots Studio
{Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Violence}

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