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Petz Horse Club




Petz Horse Club 


I am so please my hubby thought of me in terms of Petz Horse Club on the Wii. He played this game for videos and Twitch streams. He is such a trooper helping me out while making sure to get all of his ministry work done as well. Petz Horse Club is part save the horses on the mustang ranch, and part compete and win in the horse competitions. There is even some humor in Petz Horse Club.

Petz Horse Club also lets families clean and take care of their horses. There are easy little mini games to earn the trust of a horse, and to groom the horses. Riding the horses from place to place is a big part of the storyline in Petz Horse Club. We must go to this location and find this flower. Then we have to bring it back. Later we have to find a specific horse in an exact area.

The controls in Petz Horse Club can give some players fits. It can take almost the entire game to get used to the controls in Petz Horse Club. The graphics in Petz Horse Club look okay for the Wii. In my opinion Petz Horse Club looks slightly better than a PS2 video game. Which is what the Wii is known for in terms of graphics. The voice acting is okay and enhances the storyline in Petz Horse Club.

Petz Horse Club is one of those video games where we are taught to serve others. This lessons resonates nicely here at Family Friendly Gaming since we have been serving our millions upon millions of readers on a daily basis. Most days we are not even financially compensated for the hard work we do to bring all of this wonderful content to your homes, and other devices.

Paul only spent five dollars on Petz Horse Club for the Wii. That is a pretty good deal for the amount of content we received. I think most girls will like Petz Horse Club more than most boys. Helping out, taking care of horses, and winning horse competitions are something that resonates better with me than the men in Family Friendly Gaming. I hope to see sequels to this game in the future.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 73%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 71%
Family Friendly Factor: 95%

System: PC/Wii(tested)
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Phoenix Interactive Entertainment
Rating: 'E' for Everyone
{Violent References}

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