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Petz Sports 


Did you catch our Twitch stream of Petz Sports? Be sure to click the heart button to follow us on Twitch. It will allow you to see our content much sooner than when it appears on Youtube. Plus you can directly chat with us while we are playing whatever game. Petz Sports Wii game that did not really impress me. I will get into more of that later in this very review.

Graphically Petz Sports is decent in terms of the graphics. I enjoyed how the puppies looked in this home console video game. The multiplayer mode is what we played first. There are races to go through. There are a fair amount of races. There is no need to race them all though. We can race the final race and move on to the next area. The lack of diversity in the races is part of what I do not like about Petz Sports.

The music and doggie sounds also are decent in Petz Sports. I like the little things the dogs do in Petz Sports to feel real. The single player experience of Petz Sports is completely different. This is where Petz Sports feels like a pet simulator. There are only dogs we take care of in Petz Sports.

My biggest problem with Petz Sports is the lack of content. The multiplayer mode is especially bad. This Wii game is called Petz Sports after all. I expected more than just four dogs racing against one another. The doggie pet simulator is nice and all. It has been done before, and done better. Some of the controls in Petz Sports bothered me.

Petz Sports is generally very family friendly. Even though I had a short time with Petz Sports, I did enjoy that time. I hope to see the Petz franchise come back in the near future. Families need clean games like Petz Sports in the near future. I am glad I had enough money to purchase Petz Sports on the Wii.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Wii
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone {Comic Mischief}

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