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Puyo Puyo Champions


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Puyo Puyo Champions 


If you are one of our Twitch followers then you know I was the guest star on the Puyo Puyo Champions stream. If not you really need to watch that stream ASAP and follow us on Twitch to know when we are streaming cool games your family may be interested in. If you are not following FFG on Twitch you will not know what is being played, and what cool experiences you can interact with.

The modes in Puyo Puyo Champions are Solo, Multiplayer, Options, and Online. We can play against AI computer players in Puyo Puyo 2, and Puyo Puyo Fever. These two games can be played in Battle or Endurance. There are twenty-four characters to choose from in Puyo Puyo Champions. Chains are extremely important in this puzzle game. The best way to win is to get multiple chains which will dump all kinds of colorless blobs on your opponent.

Puyo Puyo Champions is a competitive puzzle game. I like Puyo Puyo 2 better than Puyo Puyo Fever personally. I like the different blocks in Puyo Puyo Fever. I am not big on the whole Fever aspect of that game. If you can chain together five or six in the Fever part then you will almost always win. It makes it way too overpowered in my opinion. In other words balance can be an issue there.

Puyo Puyo Champions is a very bright and colorful video game. I did not find any offensive images while playing this downloadable only title (in the US). I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code to Puyo Puyo Champions on the PS4. Puyo Puyo Champions is also on the Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch. I hope Puyo Puyo Champions is given a physical copy release in the future for the millions of gamers and families in that movement.

There is plenty of customization to the matches in Puyo Puyo Champions. It all depends on how you want to play Puyo Puyo Champions. Tournaments are available if you get tired of the Battle mode. I really enjoyed my time with Puyo Puyo Champions. I hope to see more Puyo Puyo games in the future. I found a puzzle franchise that I enjoy playing. I think you might enjoy Puyo Puyo Champions as well.
- Peter


Graphics: 95%
Sound: 93%
Replay/Extras: 98%
Gameplay: 94%
Family Friendly Factor: 94%

System: Xbox One/PC/Nintendo Switch/PS4(tested)
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Sonic Team
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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