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San Francisco Rush 2049





San Francisco Rush 2049  


I like many different racing games. San Francisco Rush 2049 on the Nintendo 64 is not one of them. This game gave me a headache and frustrated me constantly. The controls are way too touchy in San Francisco Rush 2049. It is way too easy to get spun around and face a wall in this arcade based racing game. The computer is extremely skilled and teaches us how to lose over and over again.

The cars look nice in San Francisco Rush 2049. There are some areas that look good, and some that could use some extra work. If you ever wonder why a company went out of business just check out some of their video games. San Francisco Rush 2049 is a great example of why Midway fell down and fell apart. I think they tried to do too much in the arcade and had to drop a lot for the port to the home consoles.

I had a few flashes of fun playing San Francisco Rush 2049. I learned I was not able to make one mistake. This racing game is way too unforgiving. This is part of why I found this game to be way too frustrating. I never want to see San Francisco Rush 2049 ever again. Even though San Francisco Rush 2049 did not cost me a lot of money it felt wasted.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sounds: 70%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Nintendo 64
Publisher: Midway
Developer: Atari Games
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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