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Santa Fake





Santa Fake 


I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a copy of Santa Fake on DVD. This Christmas movie stars Damian McGinty, Heather Morris, Judd Nelson, John Rhys-Davies, Jeff Fahey, and Tony Amendola. An illegal alien(Pat Keeley) from Ireland gets a job at a restaurant not realizing the owner is a money launderer. He is ordered to deliver two briefcases and not to open them. He is also told to run if the police come after him.

Pat starts on his short walk only to see people with badges all around him. He runs and goes to a bus station and gets on the first bus out of there. He winds up in Santa Fe. He makes a mistake by calling the owner of the restaurant trying to sort it all out. Why? The owner sends two of his thugs to get the briefcases back and take care of Pat. What is an illegal alien to do? He takes a job as a mall Santa to hide in plain sight.

Santa Fake reminds me of the Home Alone movies. The bad guys hunting Pat are used for comic relief most of the time. They are also not very good at their jobs. Pat winds up getting a love interest in Santa Fake. He also learns he is really good with kids in this movie. He does quite a bit of good in Santa Fake. Pat is shown as having a good heart even though he breaks the law multiple times in multiple ways.

SPOILER ALERT! The briefcases contain a lot of money. Pat decides to spend some of it early on and take his cut early. Later in Santa Fake he gives most of the money away to help orphans. Why? He was an orphan himself. He can relate to their particular situation. Santa Fake also contains a “real” Santa Claus that helps Pat out. I will leave it there so you can see the ending for yourself.

I enjoyed Santa Fake. The singing in this movie is fantastic. I found quite a bit of humor in what should have been a very life threatening situation. I also thought of ways Pat could have completed his mission in Santa Fake. Another option would to have run to another town and not call the restaurant owner. Especially once he realized how much money he had. He could have lived comfortably in a lot of places.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%

System: DVD
Publisher: Indion Entertainment Group
Developer: Dirt Floor Revival
Rating: ‘NR’ – Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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