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Smoots World Cup Tennis




Smoots World Cup Tennis 


Did you watch the Twitch stream Paul did of Smoots World Cup Tennis? If you missed it then you really need to go here and click on the purple heart. Then you will be notified of when cool new streams are coming from Family Friendly Gaming. This tennis game has twenty-four Playmobile looking characters. Some of them are kind of gross too.

What are some of the gross characters in Smoots World Cup Tennis? There is a zombie and vampire looking character to name a few. The modes in Smoots World Cup Tennis are Exhibition, Tournament, Story, ad Options. In story mode our character has three stats that level up. They are Handling, Speed, and Strength. Smoots World Cup Tennis is a 1.8 gig download. Make sure your system and/or external hard drive has enough space.

What can be played in Smoots World Cup Tennis in the story mode changes based on the week. We can go home and rest for a week, use an energy drink for so much money, and purchase new outfits for our character. There are six mini games in Smoots World Cup Tennis. Killing the zombies is the first one and shows some violent content as we hit them with flaming tennis balls and watch them burn to death.

There is a local multiplayer for up to four family members in Smoots World Cup Tennis. Certain tournaments and characters can be hard to beat. There is a lack of attire on certain characters in Smoots World Cup Tennis. The controls in Smoots World Cup Tennis are generally good. At times my character would miss and I had no idea why. Being on the far side of the court can be challenging.

Smoots World Cup Tennis is a downloadable only tennis video game. There are no physical copies of this game available in the United States at this point in time. That may change in the future. Expect some long volleys in Smoots World Cup Tennis. The tutorial is in the story mode and not mandatory. It can be challenging to learn all of the moves in Smoots World Cup Tennis. They will help you later in the game though.
- Frank


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: PC/Xbox One(tested)
Publisher: Kaneda Games
Developer: Kaneda Games
Rating: 'NR' - Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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