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Snooker 19




Snooker 19 


Family Friendly Gaming was provided a digital download code for Snooker 19 on the Xbox One. This pool like game is also on the PC, Nintendo Switch, and PS4. There are physical copy versions of Snooker 19 available on the PS4 and Xbox One in the UK region. Snooker 19 is a 3.51 gig download so physical copies are welcome to all of us constantly having to manage disk space on our hard drives.

Snooker 19 looks good and it sounds good. The intro movie got me all excited to play Snooker 19. There is a quick tutorial (that can be skipped) that teaches us the three steps to hit the ball. Then we are given a quick tip on the back spin. There was no tutorial on the rules. Which are quite extensive. More on that later. I wish the tutorial had been a bit more in depth.

The modes in Snooker 19 are Play Now (Quick Match, Online VS, Online Tournament), Career, Records, and Settings. We can play Snooker, Six Reds, and Shootout in twenty-five arenas with over one hundred real players. I took the easiest setting and played the worst player in the game. He smoked me. I also learned I did not understand the rules of Snooker.

The rules are very long and after reading as much as my brain could handle I was more confused than anything else. We must hit a red ball, then a colored ball. Then we can hit another red ball. Certain balls must be put in before certain other ones. I am still having trouble grasping that. I committed a lot of fouls, and the computer will run the table when you make a couple mistakes.

Watching the computer score over and over again in Snooker 19 is not much fun. In the tutorial a light would shine when you lined up the ball properly. When I was playing later that did not happen. So hitting or missing was a guess on my part. I like Snooker 19. I believe people who understand Snooker can really get into it. I also think with enough time and practice I could do decent as well.


Graphics: 80%
Sounds: 70%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: PC/Nintendo Switch/PS4/Xbox One(tested)
Publisher: Ripstone
Developer: Lab42
Rating: ‘E’ – Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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