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Venom is another Black Friday purchase. I did not expect much from Venom on DVD. Venom did not exceed my expectations. It irritates me when Holly Weird feels the need to change things. The origin of Venom is so wrong in this movie. There is no Spider-Man, and no Black Costume Spider-Man. Eddie Brock gets fired from his network thanks to a very wealthy business man. Venom makes viewers feel bad for journalist that cross the line.

The issues families can have with Venom are violence, blood, bad language, lack of attire, enticement to lust, gore, and more. Venom hints at sex outside of marriage being okay. Evolution and climate change are listed as real things instead of fake news stories. The end credits contain a scene that hints at Carnage. I am a bit surprised who they have playing Carnage though. He does not seem to fit the role in my opinion.

It took us 112 minutes to watch Venom. The high level of bad language does not fit well in my opinion. The horrible view of humanity in Venom is typical self loathing, and self hatred we have come to expect from Holly Weird. This movie of Venom claims the symbiotic alien life forms are killing their hosts unless they are really close matches. People’s heads get bitten off in Venom way too often.

Almost all of Venom is completely predictable. There is not one twist or turn in this movie I was not expecting. Even what happens at that store near the end was completely expected. The fight between Venom and Riot was interesting. I like the different weapons they make to attack one another. The sound waves to remove the symbiotic life forms is kept in this movie as least. Eddie works hard to explain not killing everyone to Venom.

There is very little interesting about Venom without Spider-Man. I understand Eddie Brock does not like the Life Foundation because they got him fired, and would not let others hire him. Venom teaches us that life has little value. Which is a shame because I have the exact opposite opinion. I choose to be obedient to God instead of joining in rebellion like Venom teaches. Pass on this movie.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 50%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 40%

System: DVD
Publisher: Columbia Pictures
Developer: Tencent Pictures
Rating: ‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {Intense Sequences of Sci-Fi Violence and Action, and for Language}

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