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X-Men Dark Phoenix





X-Men Dark Phoenix 


Another Black Friday movie I purchased was X-Men Dark Phoenix. I knew generally what to expect from this movie. X-Men Dark Phoenix did not disappoint me. The X-Men are respected and even requested by the US Government to aid in dire situations. While saving astronauts in space Jean Grey attracts the attention of the Dark Phoenix. To me X-Men Dark Phoenix is really just the normal original Phoenix storyline.

SPOILER ALERT! A major character gets killed in X-Men Dark Phoenix. That character is Mystique (also referred to as Raven). The dynamic her death creates is interesting indeed. Magneto gets involved from Genosha. The X-Men actually split for a bit and fight one another. One faction wants to kill Jean Grey and the other one wants to keep her alive and help her. Charles Xavier is also trashed in X-Men Dark Phoenix for protecting Jean from the truth she killed her mother.

The issues families will have with X-Men Dark Phoenix are blood, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, bad language, promotes the religious belief of evolution and more. There are humorous moments in X-Men Dark Phoenix. This movie explores arrogance and keeping the truth from those that did wrong. The alien threat in X-Men Dark Phoenix seems menacing at first but dies down later.

I hope the X-Men come into the MCU pretty soon. After the end of this movie I feel like it needs a reboot. We need Wolverine, Rogue, and some others. The actress picked for Storm does not really fit in my opinion. X-Men Dark Phoenix reminds me how absolute power corrupts. X-Men Dark Phoenix needed more threads to be running to be a good comic book movie. Quicksilver is trashed unfairly in X-Men Dark Phoenix.

It takes one hundred and fourteen minutes to watch X-Men Dark Phoenix on DVD. The copy we got did not have any bonus content. X-Men Dark Phoenix is one of those movies I can watch multiple times though. As sad as it was to see Raven die it was needed for certain characters to have the right motivations. X-Men Dark Phoenix needed Colossus.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 50%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: DVD
Publisher: 20th Century Fox
Developer: Marvel
Rating: ‘PG-13’ - Parents Strongly Cautioned {Sequences of Intense Sci-Fi Violence and Action Including Some Gunplay, Disturbing Images and Brief Strong Language}

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