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eFootball PES 2020





eFootball PES 2020 


Konami is extremely intelligent in my opinion. They stuck with a series when others told them to stop. They kept improving the PES franchise until it is obviously the better soccer game. Forgive me my friends all over the world – football. As an American football to me are teams like the Seattle Seahawks, and Dallas Cowboys. There is a bit of a name change this year as eFootball has been added to the beginning. Which makes perfect sense since this franchise is the king of football video games.

eFootball PES 2020 looks amazing. From the grass on the fields to the players on the field this game looks outstanding. The commentators are fun to listen to and have poignant comments in eFootball PES 2020. The music in eFootball PES 2020 ranges and can be turned off one song at a time. We turned it off in our Twitch stream due to wanting to avoid copyright issues. That video will be on our Youtube channel coming up soon.

We are having so much fun playing eFootball PES 2020 on the Xbox One. I am so thankful Konami sent Family Friendly Gaming a retail copy of eFootball PES 2020. The various camera angles allow families to experience this game from a different viewpoint. I love being able to create a player and play in games. Make sure you adjust the difficulty settings to your personal skillset. I like to lower it to score more goals.

The modes in eFootball PES 2020 are Kick Off, eFootball, Statistics, Settings, myClub, Master League, and Become a Legend. There are a ton of teams in eFootball PES 2020. That was one of the things the PES franchise needed to work on. I am pleased to report eFootball PES 2020 has more leagues and teams than I remember from the past. It is great being able to play the various rivals in this sports video game.

eFootball PES 2020 is a better game than Fifa 20 in my opinion. eFootball PES 2020 shows Fifa 20 what can be done in a football video game. I never know what Konami is going to do next to improve the PES franchise. eFootball PES 2020 is a wonderful surprise and I am so happy I was able to play and review this game. I can see sports fans playing eFootball PES 2020 until the next game comes out.
- Paul


Graphics: 95%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 87%
Gameplay: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%

System: PC/PS4/Xbox One(tested)
Publisher: Konami
Developer: PES Productions
Rating: ‘E’ -Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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