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I am never one to shy away from controversial topics, or products. The live action Aladdin is certainly one that fits into that mold. The extreme radicals on the far left trying to redefine history, facts, words, deeds, and institutions claim Aladdin is racist, and shows stereotypes. Others are offended Will Smith was given the role of the Genie. Complaints about the horrible versions of the songs also made rounds in some circles. I found some other issues with Aladdin.

Make no mistake Aladdin has some cringe worthy moments. From singing that makes me want to listen to finger nails on a chalk board instead to the criminal element. Parts of Aladdin could be described as the war on men. The Sultan is constantly attacked and belittled in Aladdin. He is too traditional, and women are being oppressed. Like I said cringe worthy moments. Stealing is gloried in Aladdin.

Some other issues with Aladdin are lack of attire, enticement to lust, magic, and violence. I am not a fan of entertainment that attacks traditional values. There are a couple of humorous moments in Aladdin. It takes time to accept Will Smith as the Genie in Aladdin. He feels wrong at first too much to me. It must be difficult to follow Robin Williams in this role though. I was shocked to recognize so many songs in Aladdin.

It takes 128 minutes to watch Aladdin on DVD. I am thankful I had the money to purchase Aladdin on DVD. If you have not seen this movie then you are probably not missing much. The animated version is much better than this live action version in my opinion. The live action version of Aladdin could have been much worse though. The magic carpet is pretty cool. Aladdin’s monkey gets him in trouble a lot in this movie.

Aladdin has so much open rebellion to the system God put in store for us humans. It really bothers me on so many different levels. I doubt I will go back and watch this movie again. I understand the different controversies and I have added to the list that Aladdin is now known for. Don’t spend any more than five dollars on Aladdin if you ever decide to purchase it.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 68%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 73%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: DVD
Publisher: Disney
Developer: Disney
Rating: ‘PG’ for Parental Guidance
{For Some Action/Peril}

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