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On a Sunday afternoon between streaming engagements and while I was working on building pages in the Family Friendly Gaming magazine and website I watched Amadeus on Blu-ray. This Mozart related movie takes 180 minutes to watch. I say Amadeus is Mozart related because it is really about Salieri. In typical Holly Weird redefinitionist fashion we do not get the truth or history out of Amadeus. Instead we get terrible inaccuracies and in some cases the opposite of truth.

Amadeus the movie shows Mozart to be a genius. Salieri recognizes the genius and is jealous because he is mediocre in comparison. In Amadeus Salieri goes from hearing the voice of God from Mozart to finding ways to undermine him. Salieri hates God in Amadeus. He wants to be as ugly and nasty to God as possible. No wonder Amadeus received so many accolades. Since hostility to God, and Christians seems to be a requirement in Holly Weird.

I am a bit shocked that Amadeus was given the PG rating instead of PG-13. Why do I say that? Amadeus has violence, blood, nudity, bad language, sexual content, hatred and more. In some regards Amadeus could easily fit under the R for Restricted category. Amadeus shows Mozart as a playboy who works hard and plays hard. He is a fiend with the women and has very few morals. Mozart is shown as pushing the boundary of what is acceptable in that society.

Amadeus really goes after the emperor and the ruling class. The common man is shown as being better to Mozart in Amadeus. Amadeus takes a couple of jabs at the church, parents, and even marriage. Salieri prays to God to play music and his father dies. Why is this relevant? His father did not see much of a future in music for his son. Salieri believes in Amadeus that God killed his father to answer his prayer. Salieri is shown as very mentally messed up in Amadeus.

Amadeus is a long movie to sit through. There are so many parts that could have easily been cut out to make it flow faster. The attempts to redefine history in Amadeus wind up making the content very confusing. Amadeus is so full of contradictions that I think the movie wants to make the viewer as mad as they show Salieri is. I felt like Amadeus wanted me to think Salieri drove Mozart mad to the point of death, and paid the price with his own sanity.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 71%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Blu-ray/DVD
Publisher: Warner Bros Pictures
Developer: Saul Zaentz Company
Rating: 'PG' for Parental Guidance Suggested
{Mild Scary Themes, Nudity, Sex References, and Language}

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