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Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue





Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue 


I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a retail version of Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue on DVD. There are four epsisodes on the Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue DVD. The episodes are Laugh With Blue, Getting Glasses with Magenta, Sad Day with Blue, and Getting Healthy with Blue. A nice range of emotions are covered in the ninety minutes it takes to watch Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue.

There are funny parts in Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue that will reach your children. We play Blue’s Clues in each of the episodes. Why is Josh’s face so shiny? It looks wrong. Plus he did not do a great job pretending to be sick. I love how Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue teaches kids to share and care about others when they are feeling good. All I ever got was: “suck it up cupcake.” But then it allowed me to face the harsh realities of the world. That might be an interesting debate some day.

We get mail time in Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue. Sometimes it is mail and sometimes it is email. I would be careful with letting the younger members of the family get email. There are too many scams going around. Maybe Blue’s Clues & You could deal with phishing, spamming, and scamming in an episode. We see Blue happy and sad in Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue. We are also faced with dilemmas when things do not go our way. Do we quit or try again?

The juggling part in Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue was pretty cool. I did not know he could juggle like that. I tried to learn to juggle at one point and was not very good at it. I could get three balls going in the air. I noticed his technique was a bit different than I was taught. No worries though. He did it way better than I can in Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue. Your kids might want to learn to juggle after watching Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue.

I loved the concept of helping out others when they are sick. I wonder how many parents will comment that they need to keep themselves healthy or they will get it too? Which is a valid point Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue did not really address. Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue could have taught kids to wash their hands, and cough away from others. All in all Blue’s Clues & You Caring with Blue is a fun little DVD kids will enjoy.
- Paul


Graphics: 85%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Gameplay: 72%
Family Friendly Factor: 78%

System: DVD
Publisher: Paramount
Developer: Nickelodeon
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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