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Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games





Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games 


I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a DVD copy of Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games. We have played some games based on the Bubble Guppies, or had those characters in them. Aside from that none of us here at Family Friendly Gaming had been exposed to this children’s show. Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games is a light learning and educational show that makes it fun for kids.

Some of the things kids can learn from Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games are seasons, summer, ballet, elephants, rain, kick ball, puddles, clouds, good manners, and more. I found it interesting that it was raining under water in Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games. I suppose that is something that only teenagers and adults will point out. Kids will enjoy that episode and not ask questions. I was a barrage of questions.

The five episodes in Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games are The Summer Camp Games, The Super Ballet Bowl, The Elephant Trunk-Dunk, Puddleball, and The Glitter Games. It takes one hundred and fifteen minutes to watch all of Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games. There are no bonus features within Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games to speak of. Kids will want to watch Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games again and again.

Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games looks good and uses a variety of different styles of animation. Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games gives kids plenty of things to learn. Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games also has plenty of songs. I like how Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games focuses on lunch time, and going outside. Those are very important concepts for kids to learn.

Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games focuses on things like kindness, friendliness, and being polite. There is even a focus on princesses. The younger members of the family will find enjoyment out of Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games on DVD. I found moments of enjoyment as an adult as well. Families with children around the kindergarten age and lower should find Bubble Guppies The Great Guppy Games very beneficial.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 85%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 88%
Family Friendly Factor: 88%

System: DVD
Publisher: Viacom International
Developer: Nickelodeon
Rating: 'NR' for Not Rated
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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