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Cave Digger





Cave Digger 


I am very appreciative Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Cave Digger on the PS4. The version of Cave Digger I played is for non-VR. There is a VR version of Cave Digger as well. I can see how this game would have worked really well in virtual reality (VR). Cave Digger is a blast to play. I do have a few things that would have made the game better for families in my opinion. More on that in this review.

The whole drug element could have been left out of Cave Digger and it would have been such a better game for families. I also would have liked a non-timed mode personally. Let us explore the cave walls and find everything if we want a more casual pace. Or double the timer for more casual gamers. I got to the first town when I finally figured out to get the gems and put them in the box. I expect VR did that with a separate hand.

The concept in Cave Digger is fantastic. We go down a mine and use the pickaxe on the walls. We find gems in those walls. Then we take the gems and put them in the middle box. If we do not get the gems in the box before the timer runs out we lose them. There is a balance between mining, picking up valuable rocks and putting them in the box. If you mine gold and diamonds but do not put them in the box then you lose them. Maybe a mode where whatever we get on the floor stays there or instantly counts toward our total? That would be a pretty cool mode.

Cave Digger contains multiple endings which will have players going back through Cave Digger. The download size for Cave Digger is 1.2 gigs on the Playstation 4. There are no physical copy versions of Cave Digger in the United States to my knowledge at this time. I think this game would be a perfect candidate for a physical copy version. Especially if the VR and non VR modes were included. Like how Ace Combat 7 was done.

Getting to the towns in Cave Digger is pretty cool. I enjoyed moving around and checking those areas out. We can purchase better gear and find some items that will add to the money our player currently has. Mining these walls and looking for treasure is a really fun activity. There can be some commentary that tries to be humorous that might offend some people. I hope to see more games like Cave Digger in the future.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: PC/PC VR/PS4 VR/PS4(tested)
Publisher: VRKiwi
Developer: VRKiwi
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
{Use of Drugs}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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