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Disney Crossy Road





Disney Crossy Road  


I have been playing Disney Crossy Road off and on for years now. I finally unlocked every single character in the game. There are a lot of them too. Some characters can be earned with coins, and others have to be found a certain way. Some examples are drown a character twenty-five times, and play with a certain character until the game randomly generates another character so we can touch them. I never paid a cent for any characters in Disney Crossy Road.

The controls are simple in Disney Crossy Road. Tap to go forward, swipe left to go left, swipe right to go right, and swipe back to go back. Be careful going back because you can lose a level doing that. Characters can be leveled up with the blue ‘P’ coins if you want better coin drops going forward. Disney Crossy Road can be extremely addicting. Get another character, play with the new character, etc.

I am a bit baffled by the rating of Disney Crossy Road compared to Crossy Road. Why are they so different when they contain the same deaths? There are ghost, ghouls, spirits, and other scary characters in Disney Crossy Road. I had fun playing Disney Crossy Road. I would love to play Disney Crossy Road on the Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Switch, PS Vita, PS4, or Xbox One. A controller would improve the controls in this game.

At times the controls in Disney Crossy Road do not work as they should. This is a minor complaint but one that led to numerous deaths. I also found we can hop through certain characters in Disney Crossy Road. Numerous ads pop up in Disney Crossy Road. I would happily pay a few dollars to never get ads but we are not given that choice. I would love for this game to get a physical copy release.

If you are patient and look up what you need for certain secret characters then you can unlock all of them as well. Even paid characters can be earned for free in Disney Crossy Road. I love the Frogger concept in Disney Crossy Road being extended to an endless hopper. I would like to see more games like Disney Crossy Road in the future.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: iPad/iPhone
Publisher: Hipster Whale
Developer: Hipster Whale
Rating: ‘4+’ - Everyone FOUR and OLDER ONLY

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