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I am so thankful I had the money to purchase ESPN NHL 2K5 on the Xbox. This hockey video game is also on the Playstation 2. ESPN NHL 2K5 is a really fast hockey video game too. I was shocked at how quickly we could move up and down the ice in this home console sports video game. Did you catch the Twitch stream Peter and I did of ESPN NHL 2K5? That video will appear on Youtube at some future point Lord willing.

We had a blast playing ESPN NHL 2K5. There is fighting in ESPN NHL 2K5. If you get in a fight in ESPN NHL 2K5 you will want to know the controls unless you just want to lose. I am not sure if there is a benefit for winning or losing fights in ESPN NHL 2K5. This is the majority of the violent content within ESPN NHL 2K5.

The graphics in ESPN NHL 2K5 are decent for its era. It can be confusing when there are multiple players around the net shooting. The player with the puck has a full filled in circle around him, and the other player has a circle around them not filled in. Trying to determine if your player or your opponent is the one with the puck can be confusing based on the size of the players. When there are shots being fired it changes quickly as well.

The modes in ESPN NHL 2K5 are Quick Game, Party Mode, Rosters, Options, The Skybox, Xbox Live, and About Game. There are all kinds of modes and options in ESPN NHL 2K5. We can turn penalties off, increase chances of fighting, and more in ESPN NHL 2K5. We found options that fit us for the game we were trying to have in that video. We both had fun playing ESPN NHL 2K5 on the Xbox.

I would love for this franchise to make a return in the near future. There are plenty of cool things to do in ESPN NHL 2K5. The quick pace of ESPN NHL 2K5 made it a fun game where the tide could turn at any moment. It would have been better if we could zoom in when we were close to scoring. Or if we had the option to zoom in at that point in time.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: PS2/Xbox(tested)
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Kush Games
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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