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Etrian Odyssey





Etrian Odyssey  


How much of a video game historian are you? With all of the video game corruption, and lack of morals, ethics, and integrity I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming purchased a copy of Etrian Odyssey on the Nintendo DS. It is so eye opening to see where a franchise began. Etrian Odyssey helped me respect where the franchise has made improvements over the years.

Etrian Odyssey is a first person dungeon crawler that is slow. Expect to grind constantly in Etrian Odyssey. Not just for levels either. Etrian Odyssey will require the player to grind for resources as well. Kill monsters to get items. Sell those items for better armor and weapons to be created. The expensive prices for weapons and armor will require more grinding. Players must make their own maps of the levels with the limited in game tools.

Etrian Odyssey looks okay and it sounds okay for a Nintendo DS hand held video game. There are characters not wearing a lot in Etrian Odyssey. The issues in Etrian Odyssey are blood, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust. There are gaia beliefs in Etrian Odyssey. It takes time to get there and many gamers will give up on this game. Etrian Odyssey is challenging.

If you feel like committing all of the time to Etrian Odyssey then you will get your moneys worth. The controls in Etrian Odyssey are so frustrating. What exasperates this is I know how things were improved in future games. Say you want to assign a skill point after a level up in Etrian Odyssey. You can only do one character at a time. Then go back to the menu to select the next character.

Etrian Odyssey is one of the better games in the franchise in terms of offensive content. We create our characters, and adventure with our team. There are all kinds of cool missions to complete that reward our characters in ways that lessens the grinding. Always keep some money around for sleeping at the inn. Otherwise you will have to pay for a character to be resurrected.
- RPG Master


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Nintendo DS
Publisher: Atlus
Developer: Atlus
{Blood, Mild Fantasy, Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes}

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