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Eureka Season Five





Eureka Season Five  


I finally finished off the Eureka television show with Eureka Season Five on DVD. This show had so much potential and charm. The show was canceled, and the ending thankfully leaves it open to a return. SPOILER ALERT! Although there are some questions about the final episode. How was that guy from the past so young in the current? Did he time travel again? Was that some relative? Was it a clone? How did he get all that money? The ending of Eureka Season Five left more questions.

The issues families can have with Eureka Season Five are violence, blood, lack of attire, enticement to lust, sex outside of marriage, promotes the global warming lie and more. It took me nine hours and twenty-three minutes to watch Eureka Season Five from start to finish. Eureka Season Five is shorter than other seasons which is a real shame. Plenty of characters from the past came back for the final episode to say goodbye.

Eureka Season Five focuses on one really interesting concept. What is reality? The crew from the Astraeus find this out first hand. They are intercepted and put into a Matrix like simulation. When they get out they must adjust to the changes in what they perceived as reality. On top of that someone is killed in the virtual reality simulation. They are brought back into a manufactured body. Eureka Season Five deals with some deep moral and ethical issues.

I wish Eureka Season Five spent more time exploring these moral and ethical issues. Instead Eureka Season Five feels very rushed. Clones being used to replace people is a part of the story arc in Eureka Season Five. It shows how bad things can get if we let science run amok on our culture. I really like how Eureka Season Five teaches that lesson. It may not be intentional.

Expect plenty of humorous moments in Eureka Season Five. I noticed at the end that what was going to happen became predictable. Especially when characters would discuss how something would go wrong. It made me realize Eureka Season Five had become predictable. It was still fun. I wish Eureka Season Five had better morals and ethics.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 60%
Replay: 65%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: DVD
Publisher: Universal
Developer: Universal
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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