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Everybody’s Golf VR





Everybody’s Golf VR  


Why Sony? Just why? Everybody’s Golf VR is not a video game our industry needed. This has to be one of the worst implementations of a game into virtual reality I have ever played. I wish the issues with Everybody’s Golf VR stopped there as well. Sadly they do not.

How is it a video game gets ported to VR and some of the ESRB content descriptors vanish? The lack of consistency with the ratings from the ESRB is what frustrates families and makes them realize the swamp of corruption is in the video game industry as well as Washington DC.

After some long loading we got to find out how messed up the controls in Everybody’s Golf VR really are. I would swing and be too high, or too low. How could I be too low under the ground? Everybody’s Golf VR frustrated us swinging until it finally hit the ball and nudged it a foot or two. Everybody’s Golf VR is not a fun experience. Plus how I had to crouch over trying to hit the ball hurt.

Everybody’s Golf VR contains lack of attire, enticement to lust, bad language, and more. If the controls had been better Everybody’s Golf VR might not have given me a headache. I liked looking around the courses and seeing things. I learned how to cut corners for better shots. If only Everybody’s Golf VR would let me hit the ball more often. I got outside of the game play area way too often in Everybody’s Golf VR.

Playing Everybody’s Golf VR on the PS4 VR is awkward in so many ways. The Move controller or the regular PS4 controller can be used. Neither of them worked very well in my opinion. The music is okay. The graphics are alright. Putting a game in VR does not mean it will be amazing right away. Everybody’s Golf VR is way too limited.

Everything about Everybody’s Golf VR screams: “RUSH JOB” to me. Before we swing the club Everybody’s Golf VR sets it to practice as the default. This aggravated me to no end because of how glitchy Everybody’s Golf VR is. I wanted to hit the ball and get this game moving.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 50%
Gameplay: 20%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: PS4 VR
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Clap Hanz
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Comic Mischief}

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