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I am so blessed at Family Friendly Gaming. There are so many companies that want to pay us to play their games. There are so many companies that want to advertise with us. There are so many games that come in for us to play on a consistent basis. I am not naive. I understand they want to reach Family Friendly Gaming Universe. Ya’ll are over nine million and growing. Companies want to reach you. Which is why it is a pleasure for me to play a game I know Family Friendly Gaming will overwhelmingly support.

What am I talking about? I am talking about Feather. You might have read the news story on the Family Friendly Gaming website about how Feather was recently ported over to the Xbox One and Playstation 4. Family Fri3endly Gaming was given a digital download code for Feather on the Playstation 4. Feather shocked me immediately. Feather is a completely different kind of gaming experience. One families can support.

We fly around in the sky as a bird in Feather. Let that sink in for a moment. When I heard that I immediately thought Feather will be boring. All we do is fly around and explore these islands in this four hundred and four meg digital download? Wait! What? I played Feather and could not stop. There are circular and triangle things to fly through. What does a gamer do when we find things like that? We fly right on through them.

Guess what happened to me when I flew through these portals in Feather? The music changed or the bird changed. I also found cool things to do in Feather like fly through a cloud. There are some really neat caves deep in the main island of Feather too. The more I flew around the more I wanted to explore this game. I wish the game play area was a bit bigger personally. Feather does some neat things like sunrise and sunset.

I also found another bird just floating in the air in a specific spot. If you run into anything in Feather the game will rewind you away from that object so you can turn away. Feather looks nice (cel shaded), sounds great, and controls really well. It would have been cool to land on certain perches and look around. I loved flying down really fast after going through certain portals. There is no violence in Feather whatsoever. I found no offensive content at all.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 100%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/Xbox One/PS4(tested)
Publisher: Samurai Punk
Developer: Samurai Punk
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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